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The Plant Design Software Specialists
Image : 3D construction

Interfaces and Output Formats

Interfaces available for PROCHEM-C :

  • Converters :
    • Import :
    • Export :
      • GSTO to HP-RTL, TIFF (color) and ESC/P

The AC3D interface is part of the 3D plant design module (4.1).
The export of VRML, DXF and MESH is bundeled as module 3DVEXP (9.7).
For the conversion of IDTF files to U3D the OpenSource program IDTFConverter is used. The conversion of U3D-Files to 3D-PDF is done by the OpenSource programm LaTeX.
The export of PostScript, SVG, HPGL, GSTO and TIFF (b/w) is part of the base module (1.1).
The conversion of PostScript files to PDF is manages by the OpenSource programm Ghostscript.
The TIFF import (b/w) is part of the base module (1.1).
The GSTO converter is part of the base module (1.1).

Additional interfaces on request.

Output data formats :

    Different free formatable output in the different modules, e.g. the centerline report for data transfer to calculation programs like Rohr2 or CaesarII, or free formatable list output in MAT program, e.g. for direct generation of HTML, XML or CSV files.
  • HPGL, HPGL/2
    The HPGL output can be selected for specific plotter models and with specific options, e.g. for converter programs.
  • HP RTL
  • HP PCL
  • PostScript
    The PostScript output can be extended with additional document information for processing in PDF converters.
  • SVG
  • Canon CGL (CaPSL)
  • Kyocera Prescribe
  • Epson ESC/P
  • TIFF (b/w as DUMP export, colored for copies of graphics windows)
  • X11 bitmap format

Conversion utilities and complete solutions for other formats (e.g. JPEG, PNG, PostScript, PDF, CSV, Excel, RTF, HTML) are available as third party solutions from our development partners or can be developed according to specific needs.
The programs that can process these data from PROCHEM-C are e.g. OpenSource programs as ImageMagick, Ghostscript, Gimp, Inkscape, Scribus, Blender, Meshlab, FreeCAD, gCAD3D, pCAD, ffmpeg, mencoder, Firefox/Iceweasel, Chromium, OpenOffice/LibreOffice as well as many famous commercial software packages for CAD, Office, Imaging, Rendering, Animation and Publishing by well-known vendors.

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